The Science of Prayer

Can we talk about the science of prayer for a sec?

In her book, Who Switched off My Brain? Controlling Toxic Thoughts and Emotions, Dr. Caroline Leaf writes:

“A growing body of scientific research confirms that prayer and actively developing your spiritual life increases frontal lobe activity, thickness, intelligence, and overall health.” (Page 115)

Think about that for a minute: Prayer and actively developing your spiritual life increases frontal lobe activity, thickness, intelligence, and overall health!

Prayer is a critical human spiritual activity. Millions of people in all cultures, races, and religions pray. Sometimes the answers I get to my own prayers blow my mind!

One of my favourite stories to share about answered prayer, happened just before I was to begin a three-day seminar tour on How to Get Rid of Clutter and Organize Your Life.

Watch and listen to that story here. I call it: Two Angels and a Nun.

Prayers are answered. The answer to your prayers may be found in something that a person says to you or something that happens to you. It may come in the form of something you see or even something you read.

For instance, while I was prayerfully debating whether or not to write about my experience, I happened to drive by a church. The message on its bulletin board read: “Prayer is the bridge between panic and peace.” Then I looked at the van directly in front of me and its license plate read: IM CALM. That was a clear enough answer for me!

During those times in your life when you need a little calm or could use a bridge to move you from panic to peace, consider incorporating prayer into your life.

And remember, when you pray for an answer, you’ll get one. You just have to look for it. You may not always get the answer you were hoping for, but you’ll get an answer. Sometimes that answer will be exactly what you prayed for—perhaps some courage, peace from your worries, or angels in the audience.


To get the most from this post, select only ONE of the options below to do right now:

Easy: What are you thankful for right now? Acknowledge the blessings you have in your life today.

Medium: Reflect on a time you had an answer to a specific prayer. What was the answer? Did it come in the form of something you read, saw, heard, or experienced?

Hard: What is on your heart this week? Write down whatever is weighing you down and occupying your thoughts. Or, if you feel like you’re in a good place right now, but you have concern for someone else, write that down. Pray on those issues for seven days and actively look for, and record, the answers to your prayers.